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EDGe » Supporters

Our supporters

The EDGE Project’s primary funder is the Government of Canada through its Department of Global Affairs Canada. EDGE also relies on the generous contributions of third party organizations and sponsors to deliver its unique brand of assistance and support to the Government of Ukraine. These delivery partners, composed of organizations and individuals from Canada and around the world, bring to EDGE world-class specialized technical skills and other resources that enhance and expand the work of the program. Equally, many of these valuable technical and financial resources would remain unreachable to Ukraine’s government organizations without the funding and/or technical facilitation of the EDGE Project. Facilitated contributions are highly collaborative and bring important benefits to EDGE, its stakeholders and beneficiaries in Ukraine and the contributing organizations.

We wish to take this opportunity to recognize and thank these individuals, groups and organizations for their ongoing support and valuable contribution to the work of the EDGE Project. The organizations and individuals recognized on this page have provided cash, goods or services (including short and long-term expert technical assistance), contributing to our efforts in supporting planning, implementing and communicating reforms by Ukraine for Ukrainians.


  • Gerry Luciuk
  • Gerry Adamson
  • Dennis Dey
  • Jack Hazelwood


The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Alberta Energy Regulator
London Economics
Centre for International Governance Innovation
+380 (44) 279 23 00
18 Sofiivs'ka ST, Office 13
Kyiv, 01001, Ukraine